Saturday, March 22, 2008

Turma/ The crowd

Kam pasur shpesh rastin te gjendem ne situata te pazakonshme, mes turmave qe per arsye te ndryshme protestojne ne rruge...
Heren e fundit, i gjendur mes fatkeqeve qe humben shtepite e tyre nga shperthimi katastrofik e qe ne nje akt te pashprese kishin bllokuar rrugen Tirane-Durres pikerisht ne zonen e Vores, ne menyre te cuditshme pata pershtypjen se turma bertiste thjesht prej nesh, per te bere te mundur qe kameramanet e gjendur perballe tyre te kishin nje material cfaredo me te klithma ne forme proteste per lajmin kryesor...

Pata nje cast bllokimi, derisa Leon Cika, i cili po xhironte per agjencine Reuter, me terhoqi nga krahu duke me nxjerre nga ai batak.

Qe prej asaj dite kam dashur tju pyes te dashur studente per dicka qe e kam bluajtur perbrenda me nje lloj trishtimi;
Si mendoni, a ndikohet turma e njerezve protestues ne Shqiperi nga prania e medias perballe tyre?

Apo protesta e tyre eshte thjesht nje pasoje e nje reaksioni te meparshem i cili gjithesesi do te shprehet edhe pa median?

Po sikur keto protesta te gjendeshin pa asnje gazetar, a do te kishte turma te njejtin reagim ne protesten e saj?

Cili eshte opinioni juaj?

I have often had the chance to find myself in unusual events, in between crowds, that for different reasons protest in the streets…

Last time, had founded myself surrounded by these unlucky people who lost their homes, due to the terrible explosion and that in fact with a hopeless act had blocked the street Tirane-Durres, exactly at Vora’s area, I, in a weird way, had the feeling that the crowd was shouting cause of us, to make possible that these cameramen in front of them, could have a no matter material with yells as a sign of protest against the main news…

I got stuck for a moment, until Leon Cika, which was filming for “Reuter”, pulled me by the arm and took me away from that mess.

Since that day, I’ve been willing to ask you, dear students, about something that I have been reflecting on, in a bit of sadness;
What do u think, does the crowd, protesting in Albania, get influenced by the presence of media in front of them?

Or, is their protest just a product of their previous reaction which would be expressed even without the media?

If these protest happened and no journalist was around, would the crowd have the same reaction in it?

What is your opinion?
Bevis Fusha


Dritan Kureta said...

Pershendetje Bevis:
Do te thoja qe pyetjet e tua kane pergjigje, te cilat vertiten rreth fuqise se medias per ta pasqyruar, apo per ta nxjerre ne pah ate ralitet, ate absuditet, apo cdo gje qe turma do te tregoje...
Sigurisht para medias turmat irritohen apo nxiten, por ka dhe nga ata qe nuk para ndikohen shume nga media, sidomos nga fotoreporterèt.
Megjithate, une mendoj se turma ka tendence te shpertheje me teper ne prani te medias...

"Studenti" i kursit te mbasdites.

Disblerta said...

I love crowds!!!

Disblerta said...

there's nothing like psikoza ne mase!