Tuesday, March 25, 2008

take that picture now!

A lot of pictures were taken today at Projekt 5.6
At Leon Cika's class the task was getting to know the analoge camera, with some hands on practice if Leon gave the camera out of his hands that is. After so many years of being a photographer he is still so very passionate about taking pictures.

In the evening classes, Lori Polena thaugt studio photography. Everyone is not only a photographer but a model too! Think of what you can do with all this skills!

So take that picture now!


projekt56 said...
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projekt56 said...
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projekt56 said...

projekt56 said...

Si e keni pare nga postimet, keto ditet e fillimit te kursit 2008, kemi patur miq nga Zvicra, dy fotografet: Eliane Rutishauser dhe Gian Vaitl, te cilet ne te njejten kohe jane dhe keshilltaret tane.
Me menyren e tyre te kendshem ne komunikim, ata shprehin ‚habi’ per sa i perket ‚mungeses’ se disiplines, qe vene re nga ana e shqiptareve.

Doja t’jy pyesja, sepse jam kurioze: eshte ky nje ‚virtut’ vetem i shqiptareve, apo eshte pjese e karakterit mesdhetar te shqiptarit dhe ka te beje me shprehjen : dolce far niente ?

As you see during this period of beginning of new classes we had friends from Swiss, the two photographers: Eliane Rutishauser and Gian Vaitl, who are at the same time counselors of Program 5.6.
By their nice way of communication they expressed their wonder concerning a kind of ‘lack of discipline’ from the part of Albanians.

I just wanted to ask a question: is it a ‘virtue’ of Albanians only, or has it to do with the Mediterranean character of Albanian and the expression: dolce far niente?