Wednesday, April 23, 2008

World Press Photo 2008 Awards Days/ Cmimet e “Fotos se Shtypit Boteror” 2008

Kete fundjave, cmimet e fotove me te mira te shtypit boteror do te prezantohen si per cdo vit ne Amsterdam, Hollande nga fondacioni World Press Photo

Do te jete nje fundjave intensive e aktiviteteve qe ben ky fondacion unik i cili i ka dhene jete vazhdimisht  reportazhit me te mire nder vite. 

Do tju sugjeroja absolutisht studenteve (sidomos punonjesve te ATSH) te shikojne nje prezantim i cili behet per here te pare live nepermjet internetit, te fotografit anglez Martin Parr, qe kete fundjave do te beje prezantimin e tij quajtur "Photobiography" ku do te flase per karrieren e tij fotografike dhe si ka evoluar skena fotografike ne keto 35 vite. 
Po ashtu Martin Parr do te hedhe drite edhe per rendesine e dokumentimit fotografik te botes ne nje forme te re, e te vecante. 

Prezantimi do te jepet kete te Shtune, 26 Prill, ora 15.00 ne linkun e meposhtem te internetit.

Per kater vajzat e shkolles qe ndodhen ne ekspoziten e Parisit, nqs se kane mundesi kohore, te marrin trenin e te mos humbin ceremonite e cmimeve e prezantimin e Martin Parr , si fotografi me i vecante i Magnum Photos, me mbi 30 albume te botuara. 
Po ashtu me interes eshte edhe party-in gjigande mbremjen e te dieles 27 Prill ne Amsterdam. 

Fjetja sigurohet ne dhomen time. 

Bevis Fusha 

F+F/ FotoMuseum/FotoStiftung Wintertur / GAF / MAZ Lucern

Qellimi i vizites ne Zvicer i grupit te trajnereve te Projekt 5.6 ishte ne kuadrin e nje programi trajnimi dhe shkembimi eksperiencash, i mbeshtetur nga Swiss Cultural Program Albania.

Te shoqeruar nga Eliane Rutishauser e Gian Vaitl, grupi i trajnereve: Leon Cika, Alketa Kurrizo, Denis Koci e Leonard Qylafi vizituan te marten ne mengjes shkollen F+F, ku u priten nga drejtori Sandy Paucic; pasdite vizituan Muzeun e Fotografise dhe Fondacionin e fotografise ne Wintertur, ku u shoqeruan nga stafi drejtues i ketyre dy institucioneve: Thomas Seelig dhe Peter Pfrunder. Te merkuren dhane nje dite mesim per nje grup te GAF, shkolla e fotografise ne Zyrih, e drejtuar nga Gian Vaitl. Te enjten, me ndihmen e fotografes Eliane Rutishauser, asistuan ne nje ore mesimi ne klasen e fotografise ne HGKZ, me trainer artistin Cat Tuong Nguyen. Po ne ate klase u be nje prezantim i shkurter mbi fotografine shqiptare dhe mbi projektet fotografike te studenteve te pare te diplomuar nga Projekt 5.6 nga Eleni Laperi.
Dhe java e aktiviteteve u mbyll me viziten ne MAZ, shkolla e gazetarise ne Lycerne, ne departamentin e fotografise. Ate dite ishte edhe mbyllja e workshop-it te drejtuar nga fotoreporteri i njohur Garry Knight. Grupi u shoqerua nga Nicole Aebi, qe plot dashamiresi e humor foli per menyren e funksionimit te shkolles se tyre, e vetmja e ketij lloji ne Evrope.

U larguam nga Lycerna, qe eshte si nje veper arti, dhe me pas nga Zyrihu i bankave dhe modes se fundit, per te mbritur ne aeroportin e Tiranes, duke diskutuar me bindje se njerzit jane te gjithe njesoj kudo, me veshtiresite e perpjekjet e tyre. Te ndryshme jane politikat kulturore dhe vullnetet per te arritur qellimet.
It was the Swiss Cultural Program in Albania who supported the visit of the trainers from Projekt 5.6 to Switzerland, where it was their goal to partake in a training program and experience exchange.

Accompanied by Eliane Rutishauser and Gian Vaitl, the group of trainers: Leon Cika, Alketa Kurrizo, Denis Koci and Leonard Qylafi, visited, on Tuesday morning, the F+F school, where they were welcomed by the director Sandy Paucic. Later that afternoon, they visited the Photography Museum and the Photography Foundation in Winterthur, where they were guided by the staff of these two institutions: Thomas Seelig and Peter Pfrunder.
On Wednesday, they taught for a group of students at GAF, the photography school in Zurich, directed by Gian Vaitl. On Thursday, with the help of the photographer Eliane Rutishauser, they assisted in a photography class at HGKZ, along with the trainer Cat Tuong Nguyen. During the same day, a brief presentation about Albanian Photography and about the projects of the first students that graduated from Projekt 5.6 was held by Eleni Laperi.
The week of activities concluded with a visit to the MAZ, the Journalism school in Luzern, Photography Department. It was also on this day that the closing of the workshop occurred. This ceremony was directed by the well-known photo-reporter Garry Knight with the group being accompanied by Nicole Aebi, who showed a lot of love and humor about the functioning of the school, the only one of its kind in Europe.

We left Luzern, a piece of art in itself, and later Zurich, home to a large financial sector and latest fashion, to arrive at Tirana's airport, all the way discussing intendedly about the similarities of people from all over, trying through various efforts to cope with difficulties, yet through different cultural politics and wills to achieve goals.

eleni (fotot l.çika, e.laperi)

Spring days in Zurich/ Pranvere ne Zyrih

Bashke me kater nga trajneret e Projekt 5.6 kaluam nje jave intensive ne Zyrih dhe Lucerne, per te vizituar disa shkolla te fotografise dhe per te perfituar nga eksperienca e tyre shumevjecare ne fushen e mesimdhenies per pergatitje fotografesh profesioniste.
Hapi i pare i informacioni ka te beje me festen e veres, qe perkonte me mbritjen tone ne Zvicer dhe me fundjaven plot aktivitete, qe perkonte me diten e nisjes sone.
Shijojeni castin e diegies se burrit prej bore, qe i ndihmon zvicerianet te mesojne si do te jete vera,; shijoni edhe perqafimet falas dhe rrezet e ngrohta te diellit (ndonese nga fotot) dhe nje maratone te zhurmshme nga shoqerimi me muzike e valle amerikano-latine.
Gjithsesi kishin shije... cokollate!
Together with 4 of our trainers of Projekt 5.6, we recently ventured to Switzerland, specifically Zurich and Luzern, in order to visit various esteemed photography schools while observing there methods for preparing future professional photographers.
First information is related to the Spring Coming Day, which coincided with our arrival in Switzerland. Followed by a lively weekend filled with activities that occurred on our departure day.
At the festival, the weather of the summer months is predicted by the amount of time it takes a Snowman to explode (as seen here). Free Hug Day also fell on the same sunny day, which can be seen in the accompanying picture.The Zurich Marathon featured Latin-American music and dance bringing encouragement to the racers.
However, everything tasted....just like chocolate!


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Evening class with Jutta Benzenberg.

Hello friends of Projekt 5.6!

Yesterday’s evening class was a very dynamic one. From the very beginning of this course, I promised to my students that one day I was going to invite as a host trainer a great photographer who was going to share with them her knowledge and work experience. And only yesterday that was made possible.
My dear college Jutta Benzenberg took the lead of our class. She stared with a strong slide show of her photo portraits and each time she was pausing and commenting every single frame. Later on, she was introduced with the student’s work where she, in a very friendly way made her observations by commenting their works and giving advises. She was able to generate a great connection with all of the students by being so open and direct.
She answered to all of their questions and in a very original and professional way explained how a photographer should approach and interact with a model before taking his/her portrait. How deep into their skin you might want to go, how well you might want to know a person before being able to capture their portraits.
At the very end of the class, she shared with the students different photo albums of some very well known photographers who have been an inspiration for her work.
It was a wonderful class indeed, and I want to thank all of my students for their attendance and of course, a special thank you to Jutta who made it possible.

Lori Polena

Saturday, April 12, 2008


H E L P where is our Webside gone ? ? ? digital NIRVANA ?

so long gian

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


A real Blog never sleeps........... pips.......