Saturday, March 28, 2009

No man's land

Copyright: Olsi Qazimi

Mos me shani / Don't criticize me :)

Duke eksperimentuar ne klase.
Expreimenting in our class.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Studentet tane kane nisur te mesojne se si te perdorin programin e Photoshopit me profesor Denis Koci. Ky program kompjuterik eshte njesoj si dark-room-i por i dixhitalizuar. Suksese per te gjithe.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Dhoma e erret / Dark room

Dhoma e erret ... sigurisht qe nuk ishte hera e pare per studentet tane te ishin atje, pasi deri tani ata kane zhvilluar disa negative, por ajo qe ishte me emocionuesja dhe qe ishte per here te pare, ishte stampimi i filmave te cilet ata vete i kishin zhvilluar. Nuk e di sa do ta kuptoni ... por ishte shume e kendshme ... dhe shume eresire :)))

Beeing in the dark room, it was not the first time for our students. But, it was the first stamp to print what they have shoot before. It was really fun fun fun, but alsow very dark dark dark ... :)))

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Loja filloi :) / We start to play :)

Ka qene shume interesante java qe lame pas per studentet tane. Mesa duket te gjithe jane infektuar rende nga pasioni per fotografine. Ju si thoni???

It was very interesting what happend last week with our students. As we can see all of them are infected by their passion about photography. What do you think???

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Alba Mora- gazetare e Berkley- ka sherndare per shoun televiziv Gazetaria Berkli ne 6 shkurt 2009 nje video mbi vdekjen dhe ringjalljen e Polaroidit.
Shiheni edhe ju dhe do te kuptoni sa nostalgji ka ende per aparatet tradicionale, si ato qe ende perdorin nxenesit tane per te mesuar bazat e aparatit dhe te laboratorit bardhe e zi !
Shihni edhe nje video te shkurter mbi POLAROID iPhone

Alba Mora - journalist at Berkeley - has released a video about THE DEATH AND RE-BIRTH OF POLAROID for the Berkeley Journalism TV Show on February the 6th, 2009.
Take a look and understand the nostalgia people have for the traditional photo cameras, like those our students use at the beginning of the course of photography in Projekt 5.6.
You'll see also a short piece of video about the POLADROID iPhone release!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Studentet e rinj / Our new students

Jemi shume te kenaqur me fillimin e kurseve te ketij viti ne Projekt 5.6. Mesimi ka nisur diten e hene me profesorin Nikolin Baba, i cili eshte nje nga mjeshtrat e fotografise shqiptare, me nje pervoje te gjate ne fushen e fotografise, te nisur qe ne vitet 1970. Ai eshte autor i nje serie katalogesh mbi thesaret e arkeologjise dhe etnografise shqiptare.
Se shpejti do te keni mundesine te shikoni edhe punet e para te studenteve tane te rinj. Na vizitoni.

This Monday we were very satisfied meeting new students of the course 2009. The new students are really fond of photography.
The classes start this Monday under the direction of the trainer Nikolin Baba. He is a professional photographer, and he started his career as a photographer from the earlier years 1970. He is the author of some series of catalogues about Albanian archaeological and ethnographic treasures, published by Archaeological museum and the Institute of Folk culture in Tirana.
Very soon you can also see the first photo work from our students.
We invite you to visit us.

(photo Projekt 5.6)