Thursday, July 31, 2008

Marubi5.6 in the Mountains 2

To come back on the Marubi week of Projekt 5.6 here two exemples of old Marubi Pictures and new pictures in the same family. The Idea of the week was to meet peoples in Orozh wich own original Photos of there familys  from the last century made by a Marubi Photografer. 

For me very strange was the idea just to go there and visit the peoples instead of call them and ask them if ti will be ok to visit them,  but i find out very quick here is another time and time understanding, and very important a different kind of hospitality.
So the system here is : the first person in the village who meets you at the street is taking care for you, invites you to visit his house, or brings you to the desired adress.

In our case it was a forester with a donkey, who brings us to the family of Gjonmarku, the own pictures from Marubi and showed us the Frame with there family memories.

One of our students, Brilanta started to make pictures, but inside the house so that we men where sitting in the garden drinking different drinks and talk with the "Kapedan" about life in albania.

Brilantas pictures are focused on the sitser of the "Kapedan" and on the daugter of him, and a group Portrait of the family.

Our other students Alketa, Erzen and Ornela visitet different familys in Orozh and what we all saw on the cameras also had a interessting time with people of the village. They where accompanied by Jutta Klosi Benzenberg.

In the evening we went back to Reshen, the net bigger town to sleep in a catholic monastery, wich was very confortable. There we select and print out the pictures for the people in Orozh.

These Pictures we brougt back to Orozh in the afternoon the next day, and as you see on the pictures below the "modells" liked the photos of themselves very much. Some students even started egain to do pictures of there "modells" and recognised very quick that now the "ice" between photografer and "modell" was totaly broken and the pictues could be much more personel and open from the modells side. Here you see Photografie is much about Trust and good relationsship between Photografer an "Modell".

On the way back to Tiana we all hade a very good feeling about our work the last two days, and if there is one word for our students in this situation this will be  "I N F E C T E D", as on the first poster from Prjekt 5.6 in 2006.

We presented all this works on saturday to all the other students who had to stay in tirana for there work an could not join us in Orozh. Maybe we will see some landscapes or cityportraits in the marubi style in the next time on this blog or on the webside of

All our work in Shkodra and Orozh was accompained and filmed by the wonderfull two filmmakers Phillip and Max from Berlin Germany. It will be a Documentary about our work on the german austrian swiss TV station 3SAT and on the swiss TV station SF DRS. As soon we definitifly know when they will send it i will inform you here on this blog, maybe on swiss TV is will be on the 6. of August 22 50.

Here again thank you thousend times to all of you involved in this projekt starting by the studends, the staff, the people of Orozh,  the director of the Marubi Collection, the Ministery of Culture of Albania, the filmcrew from Germany, Eliane Rutishauser in Zürich and last but not least the "silent" supporter from pro Helvetia in Tirana and Switzerland 

Gian Vaitl,  Zürich

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Fashion & children!

The shooting of the fashion week concluded with a children's shoe advertisement!
Shooting for fashion at our school requests inspiration, which seeks different sources.
Under the guidance of the trainer Soela Zani, and her updating thoughts, Alketa, one of our students, decided to shoot a fashion set with her sweet daughter.
Working on the background arrangment and the lights, the studio took exatly its role, a place of making images real!
Photographing for hours, she achieved the requested image, making fashion more real by shooting children too!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Shkolla e pare e veres per fotografine/ First summer school of photography in Albania

Per here te pare ne Shqiperi Projekt 5.6 organizon nje shkolle vere. Kjo u be e mundur me mbeshtetjen vizionare te kryetarit te bashkise te qytetit te Korce, i cili eshte i hapur ndaj te gjitha perpjekjeve qe ndihmojne ne pasurimin dhe promovimin e jetes kulturore te qytetit te tij.
Disa prej bizneseve lokale jane sponsor te ketij aktiviteti.

Nga data 21 korrik deri me 4 gusht 2008, dhjete studente, qe vijne nga fusha te ndryshme, si arkitektura, arti, elektronika, ekonomia etj., me trajner artistin dhe fotografin Leonard Qylafi, do punojne me fotografine, per te mesuar te perdorin aparatin per qellimet e tyre. Ne fund 9 fotot me te mira te realizuara prej tyre do te jene 9 kartolinat per vlerat natyrore dhe kulturore te qytetit te Korces.

Se shpejti do publikojme me shume informacion dhe imazhe mbi kete aktivitet per fotografine, qe shpresojme te gjeje mbeshtetje edhe nga pushteti lokal i qyteteve te tjere.


From July 21 to August 02, 2008 Projekt 5.6 organizes a summer school program of photography in Korca. It is the first summer school of photography ever organized in Albania. It was made possible after the visionary support of Korca’s Mayor Niko Peleshi, an opened mind person to all the efforts that help the promotion of the heritage and cultural life of the city of Korca. Some of the local businesses financially supported this activity.

Ten students of art, architecture, economy, electronic, etc., from different universities in Tirana, Korca, even from France and Italy, are participants of the summer school of photography. Leaded by the trainer, Leonard Qylafi, an artist and photographer, they will learn how to use photography as a mean of communication in their life. 9 of the best photos realized during the program will be the future post cards for the city of Korca.

Soon it will be more information about their work. We hope other local governors will find interesting for their cities and support a similar program on photography.


Friday, July 25, 2008

Marubi5.6 in the Mountains

After my Aircondition Chill witch hols me in a Berlin Bed for two Day back in Zürich my Report from the Albanian Mountains:
First day, monday, we filled a Bus with students and went in about 2 Hours from Tirana to Shkodra to visit the Marubi Foto Collection and talked to the diector Mrs. Osmani. Then the students had to analyse one picture each for themselve, and after that explain the same picture to the group.

Then after a nice dinner at the lake of Shkodra  we went back to Tirana with nice talks and a nice evening ligth over the albanien landscapes.

Wendnesday early in the morning we startet to our mountain adventure with many questions in mind, (will that be a good day just to people in Orosh without calling them in Advance ect....). After four long hours in the car, with two hours very bad Roads, we parked our 4x4 car on a field and walked for the rest.

The pictures here talk themselves, and i write more the next days

thank you all for these wonderfull days             gian

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Studentet e Projekt 5.6 ne Orosh/Students of Projekt 5.6 at Orosh-Mirdite, in Albania

Duke qene pjese e nje filmi dokumentar per dinastine shqiptare te fotografise, Marubet, nje grup me studente te Projekt 5.6, bashke me trajnerin e tyre zvicerian Gian Vaitl dhe grupin e xhirimit te Max Moench nga Gjermania, shkuan ne Orosh te Mirdites, per te ribere fotot e Marubit ne familjet e medha te kesaj zone, si Markagjonajt e te tjere.
Te shtunen me 19 korrik fotot e studenteve u prezantuan ne ambientet e Projekt 5.6 ne qendren kulturore Lindart. Me gjate dhe me shume informacion do te keni ne rubriken news te
Ndersa dokumentari se shpejti do te shfaqet ne disa kanale televizive ne Gjermani, Zvicer dhe Austri.

Being part of a documentary film that Max Moench, a German film maker, is preparing for the well known Marubi family - an Albanian dinasty of photography, a group of students of Projekt 5.6 and their Swiss trainer, Gian Vaitl, spent some time at Orosh, in Mirdita. The idea was to visit the old families of Orosh and to make photos as Marubi did 100 years ago.
Saturday, July 19, the photos made by the group of students were shown at projekt 5.6 area inLindart cultural centre.
More information it will be shown at news page of
Soon the documentary on Marubi will be distributed at some TV channels in Germany, Swiss and Austria.