Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Itsasne Casas nga Belgjika, fituese e Çmimit 'Sotiri'/ Winner: Itsasne Casas from Belgium 2008

Juria e konkursit per fotografe te rinj 'Sotiri', e perbere nga: Eva Bruner Szabo, artiste dhe fotografe austriake, Albes Fusha, fotograf, pedagog i fotografise ne Akademine e Arteve ne Tirane dhe Gentian Shkurti, artist, as-pedagog ne ateliene e artit konceptual te Akademise se Arteve ne Tirane, vendosi t’i jape Çmimin e pare artistes belge Itsasne Casas, per projektin fotografik: “Solitude/ Vetmi”, nje rrugetim shume personal imazhesh, qe tregojne per ndjesite e qendrimet e artistes, duke dokumentuar hapesira, qe lidhen ngushte me eksperincat e saj jetesore.
Ne vazhden e promovimit te vlerave te trashegimise dhe tradites, Bashkia Korce dhe vecanerisht kryetari i saj Z.Niko Peleshi mikpriten dhe mbeshteten me bujari kete veprimtari te rinjesh, te organizuar nga te rinjte.
Aktiviteti u mbeshtet edhe nga Ministria e Turizmit, Kultures, Rinise dhe Sporteve, nga KulturKontakt Austria dhe nga SCP.
The “Sotiri” competition for young photographers (Korçë, May, 15- June, 5 2008)
Winner: Itsasne Casas from Belgium

The inaugural “Sotiri” competition for young photographers opened its doors in Korce on May 15, 2008. The “Guri Madhi” gallery, an interesting space at the center of the city, which has welcomed traditional photographic exhibitions for decades, now received a contemporary concept of exhibition: 60 photographs from 19 different young photographers from Austria, Belgium, Greece, Netherlands, Singapore, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Finland, Kosovo, Georgia and Albania. This exhibition bore the curatorial concept “Save this / Ruaje kete”, which called for a discussion about facts and history that brought the artist’s perceptions on what is happening within the realms of the human attention. These sensibilities were documented in pictures that enlightened the artist’s realities through the personal tales of each of them.

This initiation of the Cultural Center Lindart took place in Korce to honor Kristaq Sotiri, the tradition photographer whose creativity was illustrated in material from his niece for the panel discussion organized on May 16 at the private Museum of Oriental Art. This museum bears the name of another photographer: Dhimiter Mborja, or as it is known Bratko. The international exhibition for young photographers, which gives a prize with the “Sotiri” name, was qualified as an exhibition of contemporary art that brought interest to the art loving public of Korce.

The competition jury consisted of three members: Eva Brunner Szabo, an Austrian artist and photographer, Albes Fusha, photographer and photography professor at the Academy of Arts in Tirana and Gentian Shkurti, artist and assistant-professor at the conceptual art atelier in the Academy of Arts in Tirana. The jury decided to give the first prize to the Belgium artist Itsasne Casas for the photographic project “Solitude/ Vetmi”, a very personal journey of images showing the sensibilities and perspectives of the artist as documented through space that relate closely to her life experiences.

All through this promotion of tradition and heritage Korce’s Mayor, Mr. Niko Peleshi, welcomed and supported, with admiration, this youth activity.

The activity was supported also from the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sport; the Austrian cultural organization Kulturkontakt; and from SCP.

Per me shume informacion vizitoni: http://www.projekt56.com/