Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Ekspozita 'Portreti'/ Exhibition on 'Portrait'

Ekspozita me portretet e realizuar gjate javes nen drejtimin e traineres zvicerane Sabine Hagmann ishte nje sukses i vertete. Studentet tane u ndien mjaft te motivuar dhe shume te kenaqur nga rezultati i punes se tyre. Ne kete eveniment patem nderin te kishim si vizitore edhe ambasadoren e Zvicres ne Tirane znj Yvana Enzler. Keto jane disa nga fotografite e realizuara diten e ekspozites.

The last exhibition with the photo projects realized under the direction of Swiss trainer Sabine Hagman was a real success. Our students were very motivated and happy about their work's quality. The activity was honored by the visit of the Swiss ambassador in Tirana, Ms. Yvana Enzler. These are some pictures taken during the exhibition.

1 comment:

projekt56 said...

Hey Tirana, nice to see all these happy, proud Faces, and its rigth to be so, with all these pictures on the wall. Thank you all, specialy to Sabine to be so open to new situations, and very special for Suelas nice Blog pictures from the last time, so it is a little like beeing in Tirana, wich is nice

Good Ligth ! as photografers says and all the best for you all, and i am still courius about your new Works in your personal Gallery

so long Gian, Switzerland