Thursday, October 30, 2008

Workshop me Karim Ben Kehlifa /Dita dhe Nata/Day and Night

Detyra kesaj here ishte sa e veshtire aq edhe interesante dhe terheqese.
Detyra kerkonte te fotografonim te njejtin subjekt diten dhe naten. Dmth fotoja te behej ekzaktesisht nga i njejti kend. Mbasi morem detyren filluam te vrisnim mendjen per ndonje subjekt dhe une si besimtar musliman zgjodha Xhamine Et-hem Beu ne te cilen kryejm faljet tona te perditshme.

Erzen Pashaj

Our "homework" this time was as hard as interesting and attractive.
The theme of the "homework" was: to photograph the same subject under the day light and to come back to photograph it under the night light, from the same angle. After we left the workshop calss, everyone started on thinking about the subject/object to photograph. Me as a Muslim, I chose to photograph the Et-hem Beu’s Mosque in the centre of Tirana, where we go everyday to do our praying.

Erzen Pashaj


projekt56 said...

erzen, erzen....! its not the same Angle!, you have a lower standpoint in the nigt !
B U T anyway nice Pictures from you all, and i am wondereing every Day about your new worx, show me more !!!
with best Regards Gian Vaitl

Unknown said...

yes, that`s right. I am trying to repeat the same "homework" with the angle improvement. I hope this time i will be more careful and get the right shot with the same angle.