Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dita dhe nata, Day and Night

Eshte portreti i vellait tim, diten dhe naten, ne nje gjendje gjumi. Ai eshte student ne arkitekture dhe studion per ore te gjata edhe naten, prandaj gjithnje e shoh ne kerkim te gjumit, por te pakta jane mundesite per kete. Per ta s'ka kohe per te humbur. Te studentet lodhja shprehet me nje gjendje pergjumjeje. Kjo ishte nje nder detyrat ku koncepti ze vendin e pare, duke nderthureur dy gjendje te kunderta: diten dhe naten.

Brilanta Kadillari

Here it is my brother's portrait, during a day / night moment, in a mood for sleep. He is a student of architecture and he needs to study so much, hours and hours every day, day and nights. That's why I always see him looking for sleeping. Usually, sudents express their fatigue in a continuous sleeping mood. These two photos are part of my project titled 'Day and night'. The concept is on the first place, mixing two different conditions of a student during day and night hours.

Brilanta Kadillari

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