
Duke ndjekur nje jave intensive drekash dhe darkash me takime pune dhe miq te mi, kam pasur me teper kohe te mendohem dhe te reflektoj rreth fotove te mia dhe punes qe kam bere ne pergjithesi me fotografine keto kohet e fundit.
Dje ne mbremje pata nje takim tek ETC me fotografen Jutta Benzeberg ku shkembyem dhe diskutuam per punet tona te fundit, ajo me nje projekt te adoleshenteve te Tiranes ende te pambaruar dhe une me nje seri te fundit te fotove nga pavaresia e Kosoves ende te pa edituara…
Biseda mes nesh u rrotullua ne shume gjera si perhere, por me e rendesishmja e mbremjes ishte “sulmi” im ndaj punes se fundit teper interesante te Juttes per fotografi te cilat ajo i kish bere thjesht per veten e saj, pa interesin per ti ekspozuar diku, duke e mbrojtur kete me frazen; “i bej per qefin tim”
Ne fakt edhe “agresioni” im e kishte nje shkak…
Dy dite me pare kisha patur nje darke thuajse akademike me nje pronar shqiptar te nje muzeu/galerie private. Pronari pasionant i dashuruar me pikturen prej vitesh, teper i interesuar per pikturat, i blen ato me cmime relativisht te shtrenjta nga nje autor i perzgjedhur duke pritur kohen ne te cilen cmimet e tyre te ngrihen dhe te kapin vlera te paimagjinueshme, edhe nepermjet ankandeve qe galleria do te organizoje nder vite.
Pronari ishte teper i kenaqur qe kish ngritur nje system i cili do te shiste shtrenjte ne te ardhmen pikturat e blera sot edhe ne rast se ato s do te kishin piken e vleres si telajo te ngjyrosura
Pyetjet e mia mbeten pergjysem, unne isha i shqetesuar dhe kurioz persa i perkiste kritereve me te cilat muzeu e zgjedh pikturen apo autorin per ta bere pjese te fondit te tij. Si e ne c menyre?
…I ushqyer nder vite me nje vetbindje personale ne mendimin se piktura ka nje vlere paresore ne vetvete dhe pak do ta influenconte nje sistem i cili e shet apo e blen ate duke i rritur apo ulur vleren e tregut, fillova te lekundesha ne bindjet e mia e nisa te mendoj seriozisht dhe me keqardhje per fotografi te mia te cilat jane arkivuara ne kohe shpesh te pa para nga askush. Fillova te mendoja per to me keqardhje, si per fotografi te humbura, te parealizuara, e qe nuk do arrinin kurre te beheshin pjese e sistemit vizual kritik apo ekonomik te jetes se cdokujt duke mos I shtuar keshtu vleren edhe pse per mua do te mbeten teper te rendesishme.
Keshtu mbase, i stresuar dhe i sforcuar fillova te mendoja edhe une si pronari i muzeut teksa“sulmoja” Jutten e cila ne fund e mbylli me fjaline; Bevis, ne qofte se une do ti kisha thene keto fjale ty nje vit me pare, ti do te me kishe vrare…”
Por lekundjet e mia ende vazhdojne…
Do te doja te dija pergjigjet e juaja te dashur studente;
Mendoni se fotografia eshte nje dokument teper personal per te kenaqur vetveten, apo mendoni qe me fotografine tuaj duhet te jete e nevojshme te hyni ne system shoqeror duke e ndikuar ate… Pjese e sitemit apo pjese e arkivave personale?
Ke do te preferonit, te paren apo te dyten dhe pse? A mund te jete nje shkrirje e te dyjave dhe ne c forme? Ju personalisht si e motivoni fotografoni tuaj?
A part of the system?
Followed by an intensive week of lunch and dinner meetings, I had enough time to think and reflect on my photos and the work I have done in general lately.
Yesterday evening i had a meeting with the photographer Jutta Benzeberg, where we exchanged and discussed our last works, she with an unfinished project about the teen ages in Tirana and me with a serial of Kosovo Independence Day’s photos, still not edited…..
Our talk was interesting, but the most important subject was my “attack” against Jutta’s really interesting photographical work, which she had done only for herself, without any interest in exhibiting it, defending herself by saying “I do it for my pleasure”. In fact my “aggression” had its cause……
Two days ago I had an almost academic meeting with an Albanian owner of a private museum/ gallery.
This passionate owner, in love with painting since years ago, really interested in these art works, buys them with relatively high prices from an well known author, waiting for the time where their prices will get augmented and reach unimaginable values, also through the sales that the gallery will organize throughout years.
The owner was really satisfied of this system which would sell the paintings bought now days, expensively in the future, even if they wouldn’t have the minimum of the art value.
My questions were not fully answered, I was worried and curios about the criteria with which the museum selects the paintings or the author, making them parts of its funds. How they do it, in which way?
Being raised with a personal self belief that painting has its own primary values and would barely be influenced from a system that sells or buys it, I began questioning my beliefs and started thinking seriously and pitifully on my photos, which are archived in time, often not seen from anybody.
I started thinking pitifully on them as lost photos, artistically unfinished, and that would never become a part of the critical, visual or economical system of the life of everyone.
Stressed and mind contracted, I started thinking like the owner of the museum. Attacking Jutta like that, which at the end told me: “Bevis, if I would have told you these words one year before, you would have killed me…”
But my doubts still exist…..
I would like to know your answers my dear students:
Do you think that photography is a very personal document to satisfy yourself, or do you think that through photographing would be necessary to enter the social system by influencing it….?
Photography: a part of the system or a part of the personal archive? Which one would you prefer, the first or the second, and why? Can both be melted in one size? How do you personally motivate your photography?
Bevis Fusha
Looks cool, pleace bevis translate ist just briefly for me....... just the sence Thanks a lot, and blogging is fun...... gian
Nje shkrim terheqes,ndersa per pyetjen do ta komentoja shume thjeshte...arkiva personale fotografike eshte me interesante per tu publikuar ne shoqeri sesa arkiva e zakonshme,per te cilen ne punojme vazhdimisht….pasi sic e thate vete kjo arkive kur arrin ta kenaqe veteveten atehere ajo behet me interesante dhe me unike per publikun e gjere(ska rendesi nese nuk ka sukses). Ne fund te fundit kjo eshte arsyeja qe ne punojme…Brilanta
Nuk e di nese ta nisesh nga motivimi eshte e mjaftueshme.Varet i dashur Bev se si nis procesi i "mbarsjes" se imazhit pastaj se si ai implemtohet ne sistem eshte me shume ne dore te realizuesit ne rastin tone fotografi.
Nese pritshmerite dizenjohen hollesishem nga dicitura...atehere motivimi nuk eshte se e ka ndonje peshe specifike qe mund te bej presion per te terhequr vemendje.
Nese imazhi zgjidhet per te percjelle nje qendrim, vlen.
Nese imazhi eshte "kapur"per te treguar nje qendrim, serisht vlen
gjithmone nese eshte i bere mire.
Nese mund te behet foto ngushtesisht per vehte !
Edhe ndodh Bev edhe ndodh, Ka shume njerez i dashur qe preformojne shkelqyeshem ne zonat e tyre te interesit per qef.Po them se nuk ka vlere te komentojme kete per aq kohe sa eshte bere e zakonshme. Le te behemi pak me special,intelektualisht kemi mundesi.
My best
pjese e sistemit shoqeror apo pjese e arkivave personale?! fotot e mia nisin nga nje ide per te ndikuar ne shoqeri. nuk e di nese kjo eshte me e mira por di qe kur fotot nisin me nje ide ato eshte e mira te paraqiten. gjithsesi kjo nuk detyron askend te mos i mbaj edhe ne arkiven e vete personale.
kenaqesia qe merre kur publiku vlereson dhe pelqen dicka tenden, per mua eshte shperblim...sibeli
sapo folem :) but ..vazhdoj t them don't go there! :P
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