Saturday, November 29, 2008

Perpara ekspozites / Before the exhibition

Me ne fund ja tek jemi, duke u pergatitur per ekspoziten. Kjo jave ishte shume e kendshme per ne, dhe shpresojme qe dhe ju ta vini re kete nepermjet puneve tona ne ekspozite. Mos harroni, sot ne mbremje ne ora 18:00, ju presim ... me pas festoni Naten e Bardhe.

Here we are again, preparing things before the exhibition. It was great this week, and we hope that you are going to feel the same through our works shown in the exhibition. Don't forget: this evening at 6 p.m. we are waiting for you ! Then you can go to celebrete the White Night.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Bashke me Sabinen / Together with Sabine

Keto dite studentet e projekt 5.6 po pergatiten te hapin nje ekspozite me punet e realizuara nen drejtimin e traineres Sabine Hagmann. Ju presim te gjitheve diten e shtune ne oren 18:00 ne ambjentet e galerise se shkolles sone ne rrugen “KAJO KARAFILI” NR 54 TIRANË.

Our students are preparing a new exhibition with their works under training of Sabine Hagmann. We invite you all to come on saturnday 29 november 2008 in our school gallery in the adress: street “KAJO KARAFILI” NR 54 TIRANA.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

ToT with Sabine Hagmann

After the students left the class, a ToT took place with Sabine Hagman and Albanian trainers. An interesting exchange of experience and opinions, and of course Bevis generated movement in discussion, as always.
Everybody left the meeting with new ideas and a lot of wishes for a better third year of courses at Projekt 5.6.

Tomorrow is a new day, full of emotions for Sabine and all of us, because the photos shouted for the portrait project of the workshop start to fulfill the folders of the students.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fotografet fituese / The winner photographers

Brilanta Kadillari & Ornela Muka

Ornela Muka:"Monumenti me pushke; ata te gjithe luftojne per mbijetese"
Ornela Muka: "The Monument of the fighter with gun; they all are fighting for surviving"

Brilanta Kadillari: "Te lexosh mes rreshtave"
Brilanta Kadillari: "Reading through the lines"

Kemi kenaqesine t'ju bejme me dije se dy nga studentet tona Brilanta Kadillari dhe Ornela Muka, jane fituese te cmimit te dhene prej British Council. Ato moren pjese ne aktivitetin nje ditor te organizuar nga British Council, te titulluar "Capture Tirana". Studentet tona ishin ne nje grup i cili perbehej prej kater vetesh Brilanta Kadillari, Ornela Muka, Endri Dani dhe Arian Vyshka. Ky grup mori cmimin e pare, duke u vleresuar si fotografet me te mire te 'Shoot Experience' ne formen e gjeegjezave.

It is a pleasure for us to make you known that two of our students: Brilanta Kadillari and Ornela Muka, are the winners of a prize for best photography, organised by British Council in Tirana, titled ""Capture Tirana".
Enjoy the photos !

Monday, November 24, 2008

Workshop me Sabine Hagmann/ Workshop with Sabine Hagmann

Sot kemi startuar workshopin per portretin me traineren zvicerane Sabine Hagmann. Ne ditet pasardhese do te keni mundesi te keni me shume informacion per zhvillimin e ketij workshopi dhe punet e studenteve tane nen trainimin e Sabine.
Te shtunene ne ora 18.00 do te organizohet nje fotobar per te pare ekspoziten me punimet e studenteve dhe per te takuar njeri tjetrin.

We started today the workshop with Swiss trainer Sabine Hagmann. In the comming days you will have the possibilities to know more about how this workshop is gowing on and to see somme of our students' works realized during the week with Sabine.

Saturday at 6 p.m a fotobar will be organized to show the exhibition with students works and to meet each other at Lindart area of Projekt 5.6.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Leonard Qylafi - winner of 'Ardhje' Award

(three of the photos exhibited at Zeta Gallery)

Pas një periudhe të ngjeshur kërkimi me vizita në studio, takime dhe pranime prezantimesh nga një numur i madh artistësh që jetojnë dhe punojnë në Shqipëri, stafi organizator i TICA nën përkujdesjen e Edi Mukës dhe Joa Ljungberg, organizuan ekspozitën "Pas çdo agimi, bota nuk është ajo e një dite më parë", me artistët në vijim: Enkelejd Zonja, Bevis Fusha, Elsa Martini, Genti Gjikopulli, Leonard Qylafi, Era Tula, dhe Heldi Pema.
Juria ndërkombëtare e përbërë nga Celia Prado, kuratore e Bienales së 5-të të Goteborgut, Roberto Pinto, kurator i pavarur, Milano, dhe Gëzim Qëndro, kritik arti, Tiranë, shqyrtoji punët e paraqitura në ekspozitë dhe përzgjodhi fotot e Leonard Qylafit fituese te Cmimit për Artin Bashkëkohor "ARDHJE" 2008, i cili fiton të drejtën për të shkuar në New York të SH.B.A. për një pediudhë prej 6 javësh, në një rezidencë për artistë të ofruar nga Fondacioni për Shoqëri Civile.

Friday, November 14, 2008, at 6.00 pm at Zeta GALLERY, After an intensive research period, during which the staff of TICA made a large number of studio and gallery visits, met with a considerable number of artists and researched further through publication and portfolio materials, the T.I.C.A. curators, Edi Muka and Joa Ljungberg present the exhibition "With each new dawn it's not the same world as the day before", with the following artists: Enkelejd Zonja, Bevis Fusha, Elsa Martini, Genti Gjikopulli, Leonard Qylafi, Era Tula, and Heldi Pema.
The international Jury, composed of Roberto Pinto, freelance curator from Milan, Celia Prado, curator of the 5th Goteborg Biennial, and Gëzim Qëndro, art critic, Tirana, considered the existential light in Leonard Qylafi's photographs and selected him as the winner of the "ARDHJE 08" Award, who will attend the 6 weeks residency in New York City, provided by the Foundation for a Civil Society.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Vleresimi per lenden e fotografise se arkitektures

Linja, forma, vija horizontesh, materiale ... keto ishin ato cka u diskutuan diten e merkure ne Projekt 5.6 ne mbyllje te detyrave te fotografise se arkitektures.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Takimi i trainereve / Trainers meeting

Diten e merkure ne ambjentet e CCLA u zhvillua nje takim me traineret dhe stafin e Projekt 5.6. Gjate kesaj mbledhjeje u diskutua per te programet e ardhme dhe pozicionimin e shkolles ne kushtet e sotme. Po te keni ndonje mendim mos ngurroni te na shkruani !!!!
Wednesday, on November 12 a meeting of Projekt 5.6 strainers and staff was organized. The aim of the meeting was to discus about the future and today's positioning of our photo school. Do you have any idea? Don't hesitate , tell us !

Monday, November 3, 2008

A successful workshop with Karim Ben Khelifa

November 01, 2008 was the last day of the workshop with Karim Ben Khelifa. A great photographer, a great man, a great heart… and a great result !

More information will be soon at our web site gallery. Today enjoy some photos from the activities of that exiting week with Khelifa.