Monday, August 11, 2008

Projektim fotosh ne sheshet e Korces / Photo screening at Korca

Para se te nisem per ne Theth, ne gjurmet e memories dhe te gazetares amerikane te fillimit te shekullit te 20, R.W. Lane, dua te them dy fjale per shkollen e veres ne Korce: keto dite me nje projektim fotosh per publikun korcar, perfundoi me sukses shkolla verore e fotografise, e cila u organizua me mbeshtetjen e vete kryetarit te bashkise se Korces, z. Niko Peleshi dhe te disa biznesmeneve lokale. Vete kryetari i bashkise vizitoi nje pasdite grupin e studenteve gjate nje seance trajnimi.
Per kenaqesine e qytetareve, fotot iu prezantua publikut gjate nje mbremjeje te kaluar ndryshe ne shoqerine e nje video projektimi ne nje nga sheshet e qytetit.
Shume shpejt fotografite e zgjedhura te ketij aktiviteti do te jene ne tregun e qytetit si kartolina, per te gjithe ata qe do te duan te marrin me vete nje pjese te ketij qyteti mikprites.
Me shume informacion shpejt do te gjeni ne galerine e

Before leaving Tirana for a journey to Theth, looking for memories and signs left from R. W. Lane, an American journalist form the beginning of the 20 century, I would like to say something about summer school in Korca: Some days ago the first summer school on photography celebrated successfully its last day with a photo screening for the public of Korca. The activity was supported by Korca Mayor, Mr. Niko Peleshi and a group of local businessmen. The mayor himself spent an afternoon together with the students and trainers of the summer school of photography.
That evening was a different evening for the citizens of Korca, enjoying some moments of their quite evening in the company of photo projections made by the group of young students. Soon some of their photos will be printed as postcards for all of them who would like to take with them a piece form this friendly city.

More photos soon at
